This is a great idea that took too long to arrive.
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Centering Tape Measure - Center Point - US Tape
On a good day, my desire to perform mathematical calculations of any sort approximates my desire to be hit by a bus. Finding the center of a piece of wood is one of those calculations I would rather not deal with if I can help it. With this tape measure, I can. The simplicity of this idea bothers me. Why did it take so long for someone to market this deal?
The Center Point tape has two graduations. The actual measurement runs along the top of the tape. Along the bottom edge is a ½-scale version of the top. All you have to do is measure the piece with the top scale, then find the same reading on the bottom scale and poof, you have the center. Even I can do it!
The smaller the pieces get, especially pieces under an inch or so, the harder it is to accurately find the center with this tape. In those instances, a couple of guesses with a combination square will locate the center almost as easily. For larger dimensions, the Center Point tape measure is the hot setup.
I am sure there are other similar devices out there; centering steel rules is one example. For me, this is the easiest to use, the handiest to keep around and the one with the largest capacity. Suffice it to say I am never far from my centering tape.
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