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Fraction to Decimal Conversion Chart

Fraction Decimal Fraction Decimal
1/64 .0156 33/64 .5156
1/32 .0312 17/32 .5312
3/64 .0468 35/64 .5468
1/16 .0625 9/16 .5625
5/64 .0781 37/64 .5781
3/32 .0937 19/32 .5937
7/64 .1093 39/64 .6093
1/8 .125 5/8 .625
9/64 .1406 41/64 .6406
5/32 .1562 21/32 .6562
11/64 .1718 43/64 .6718
3/16 .1875 11/16 .6875
13/64 .2031 45/64 .7031
7/32 .2185 23/32 .7187
15/64 .2343 47/64 .7343
1/4 .250 3/4 .750
17/64 .2656 49/64 .7656
9/32 .2812 25/32 .7812
19/64 .2968 51/64 .7968
5/16 .3125 13/16 .8125
21/64 .3281 53/64 .8281
11/32 .3437 27/32 .8437
23/64 .3593 55/64 .8593
3/8 .3750 7/8 .8750
25/64 .3906 57/64 .8906
13/32 .4062 29/32 .9062
27/64 .4218 59/64 .9218
7/16 .4375 15/16 .9375
29/64 .4531 61/64 .9531
15/32 .4687 31/32 .9687
31/64 .4843 63/64 .9843
1/2 .500 64/64 1.000


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