Now five years down the road my Bosch 4410L is as good today as it was when I got it. It is also just as accurate!
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Bosch 4410L Laser-Equipped SCMS
Refining a top contender
Text. photos and video by Tom Hintz
Posted - 7-19-2005
Update - 9-5-2011
This update was meant to add modern photos and a video to this heavily-visited review. I have used this saw constantly for nearly 5 years (at this update) and it shows no sign of wearing out or becoming inaccurate. See the new photos and video for a better look at my workhorse dual-bevel compound miter saw. You will note some dust in the images here because this saw has been used often in my shop. I have officially tested this saw for nearly 5 years now and aside from one new blade (recently) this saw has not hiccupped once. It runs perfectly and remains as accurate today as when I first reviewed it!
In the world of sliding compound miter saws (SCMS), the 10" Bosch 4410 has enjoyed wide recognition as one of the best. Recently, Bosch stepped that effort up a notch by adding a laser cut line indicator to the 4400 design.
Initial Impressions
The Bosch 4410L retains all of the quality and features of the venerable Bosch 4410 model so finding top-notch fit and finish is no surprise. Bosch is known for quality manufacturing of their components and did not forget that tradition when building the Bosch 4410L.
The mix of features and capabilities, all executed accurately, make this a very worthy tool for woodworkers.
The strong 15 Amp motor sends its power through a tough, (left) smooth-running serpentine belt drive. Keep in mind that this pulley and belt (right) are five years old and they have not been just sitting around. This stuff is tough as tough should be!
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The instruction manual provided with the Bosch 4410L is well written and features clear supportive illustrations. The Bosch 4410L has many capabilities, all of which are explained in depth.
A case in point is providing instructions on using the preset detents for cutting crown molding laying flat on the table as well as with the material upside down, leaned against the fence.
The manual also provides detailed descriptions of setup and alignment procedures to make sure the Bosch 4410L works right the first time as well as years down the road.
A stout 15-amp motor (4800 RPM - no load, max 3 Hp) supplies all the power the Bosch 4410L needs and does it smoothly. Power is sent through a sophisticated multi-groove belt drive that is very tough, consistent and virtually slip free. This type of belt drive is so reliable it is used in aircraft and high-end race engine applications.
Though the motor is surprisingly compact, the belt drive allows mounting it above and behind the blade to keep it out of the way when cutting at even extreme bevel angles. This placement also makes the head assembly more balanced and controllable.
The laser is in a washer-like housing (left) that is held in place by the blade colt. Whether in bight camera lights or the shadows (right) the laser can be seen easily.
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The motor has a built-in brake, designed to stop the blade within 5 seconds. While the brake does increase safety somewhat, it is intended to shorten the cut-to-cut cycle.
The motor brushes are easily accessible for inspection or replacement. To make changing blades easy, a push-button spindle lock and a special wrench (stored on-board) are included.
Arbor Mounted Laser
New on the Bosch 4410L is an arbor-mounted laser that marks the cut line. The laser is contained in a specially designed blade washer so it shines at the edge of the blade. As with most lasers, the alignment of the laser beam is most accurate when the blade nears the wood.
The laser unit is powered by three small internal batteries that are included. The laser is only activated when the blade is spinning under power, a feature that substantially increases battery life.
All-User Handle
The operating handle can be configured in any of four positions quickly and easily by flipping the buckle-type lock open, turning the handle to the desired position and then locking it down. Being able to reposition the handle makes the Bosch 4410L easy to use by left or right-handed operators regardless of if the saw is set to the right or left of center.
Pull-out extension tables (left) on either side of this saw are locked with a flip lever, no tools. The upper fence section can be adjusted outwards (right) by releasing a knob on their back side.
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Trigger safety lockouts are located on either side of the handle to be readily accessible regardless of the saw position.
Table and Fence
A 21"-wide, machined aluminum table is augmented by extensions at either end that add up to a possible 37 ¼" overall surface. A flip stop can be moved to either extension for additional accuracy and versatility.
The 4"-tall fence is also expandable to ether side to make cutting even wide crown molding safe and stable. Adjusting the fence halves also provides clearance for the blade when making high-angle bevel and miter cuts.
To keep the work steady on the table an adjustable lever-clamp hold down is included. The hold down fits into bosses on either side of the blade.
Up-Front Controls
One of the innovative features of the Bosch 4400 miter saw series is the forward-mounted controls for miter and bevel functions. Aside from the safety of not having to reach around the blade, the Up-Front controls are easier to see which makes using them more accurate.
Bosch claims this saw has "up front controls" (left) and I have to agree. You can unlock, adjust and relock the bevel angles from these handles up front. Actually you have to do it that way because there are no controls on the back of the saw! This little knob (right) on the side of the arm lets you dial in tiny corrections to the miter angle. there is absolutely no (good) excuse for not getting miters perfect with this saw and this fine-tuning system.
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The Bosch 4410L uses the Bosch designed wedge and slot system for positioning the blade at the array of miter detents. This system is very accurate and repeats perfectly. Precision casting and machining insures this is one of the most accurate SCMS available.
The bevel feature has a range of 47-degrees left and 46-degrees to the right. The miter scale goes 52-degrees to the left and 60-degrees to the right.
Another innovative feature is being able to cut crown molding flat on the table rather than standing it up, upside down and at an angle against the fence. To accomplish this, special detents - 33.9-degree bevel left and right, 31.6-degrees left and right miter - are built in. If there is an easier way to cut crown molding accurately, I have not seen it.
Microfine Miter Adjuster
To fine tune miter angles when the needed cut is slightly off the standard detents, a miter lock override and fine tuning adjuster are built in. These controls allow making tiny corrections to virtually any miter angle. The Microfine adjuster has a total range of 2-degrees.
If you have tried applying trim around supposedly 90-degree corners on a project of in the home, the importance of this feature should be very clear. It is also invaluable for woodturners who do segmented turnings. Being able to make tiny adjustments to the angle being cut makes building segmented circles a much easier task.
The slider mechanism consists of the twin, finely-machined steel bars (left) that ride in a bunch of high-end ball bearings that I have been unable to cause any wear in over the last five years. The up and down motion can be locked or limited (right) with this simple but effective mechanism.
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The point of a sliding compound miter saw is to increase the width of the stock that can be cut. The Bosch 4410L cuts a 2 X 12 at a 45-degree bevel and 1 ¼" X 8 ½" stock at a compound 45-degree bevel and 45-degree miter. At 0-degrees miter and bevel, the Bosch 4410L cuts a full 2 X 12" board.
Crown molding up to 10 ¼"-wide can be cut at the 31.6" settings. With the crown molding stood against the fence, that capacity goes down to 6". Base molding 4 ¼"-tall can be cut against the fence.
In The Shop
The Bosch 4410L arrives completely assembled except for installing the dust bag which equates to nearly zero setup time.
As always, we began the evaluation process by checking all alignments closely. The base alignment of 0-degrees was off just enough to be measurable. Correcting this involves loosening a few bolts and tweaking the position of the fence slightly. This one correction also insures that all of the miter detents are perfectly aligned. The bevel feature is also adjustable but required none in our case. Tools needed for most adjustments are included and safely stored under the rear knuckle cover.
Using the Bosch 4410L in the shop confirmed suspicions that this is a well-made piece of equipment. Motor power is more than adequate and drove the included 10" Bosch combination blade through all of the stock we tried with no discernable loss of RPM. The belt drive makes starting and stopping the Bosch 4410L surprisingly smooth.
All of the cuts we tried were completed very accurately and repeated just as well. When an angle has to be "tweaked" to fit a less than perfect corner, the Microfine adjuster makes it surprisingly easy to be extremely accurate.
The dust chute ( left) is very effective because it is placed in the right location! The bevel function is easy to use and gives you full motion to the left and right.
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The special angle detents for cutting crown molding are exceptionally accurate and make this once hit-and-miss task simple. Since posting our review of the Bosch 4410, which has the same angle features, several woodworkers have told NewWoodworker.com how they use the crown molding settings for cutting tapered sides for jewelry boxes and other projects.
Dust collection is the best of all miter saws we have tested but is not perfect. However, it does put enough sawdust into the bag that
the Bosch 4410L and its predecessor the Bosch 4410, are the only miter saws that force me to empty the bag regularly.
The laser function on the Bosch 4410L is most useful when matching an angle drawn on the wood. For straight cuts, the laser is helpful but it really comes into its own when adjusting for an odd miter cut.
The laser is not bright enough to be used in direct sunlight though can be seen if the saw is set up to take advantage of its shadow. Under normal shop lighting, the laser guide line can be seen and used effectively.
The Bosch 4410L is a very well made piece of equipment with a range of capabilities that make it very useful in virtually any woodworking shop. While it certainly requires more room front to back than a simple miter saw, many woodworkers are finding that to be a small problem considering the capabilities gained.
If you are considering a 10", SCMS, check out the Bosch 4410L. With a street price of only $529.99 (4-13-2005) the Bosch 4410L could be the saw that solves your problems without creating more in the budget department.
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