Bosch Gravity-Rise(tm) Worksite Saw Stand
A study in mechanical advantage
Text, photos and video by Tom Hintz
The Bosch TS2000 table saw stand is a marvel of engineering that reduces the grunt work of setting up a mobile table saw and stand to a literal flick of the wrist. OK, almost, but it is very easy.
Originally intended for contractors to transport the Bosch 4000 worksite table saw (and others) from job to job, the TS2000 Gravity-Rise(tm) stand and Bosch 4000 combination also fits the needs of a fast-growing segment of the hobbyist woodworking community. A significant number of woodworkers are forced to work in small, dual-use shop areas that are often shared with vehicles or other family needs.
See our separate review of the Bosch 4000 worksite table saw.
Initial Impressions
The Bosch TS2000 has a pronounced industrial look to it because of the 1 7/16"- diameter tubing it is made from. It is easy to imagine the primary design criteria being durability with a large "no fooling around" notation from a Bosch executive in a position of unquestioned power.
The fit and finish of the Bosch TS2000 is normal for Bosch - exceptional for most others.
Getting the leg assemblies on the right sides could be an assembly challenge, but is easily done thanks to very good instructions and illustrations.
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Our Bosch TS2000 came with the Bosch 4000 table saw, packaged in the top of the very large box so it could be assembled before taking the saw out of the carton. The packaging of the Bosch TS2000 subassemblies and fasteners is very good with all of the parts easy to find and undamaged.
The assembly and use manual that comes with the Bosch TS2000 is well written and illustrated. As is the norm, the manual contains separated English, French and Spanish sections, all equally illustrated.
Though the Bosch TS2000 arrives broken down into several factory-built subassemblies, several steps remain to produce the finished unit. The high-quality line drawings are particularly useful in identifying which wheel and arm sub-assembly goes where, the hardest part of building the unit. Each step of the assembly process is clearly explained, illustrated and follows a logical sequence.
From start to finish, assembling the Bosch TS2000 took less than 30 minutes, including mounting the Bosch 4000 worksite saw.
Serious Wheels
Bosch is serious about this being a mobile unit!
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At 8 ¾"-tall and 1 ¾"-wide, (marked 2.50 X 4) the pneumatic tires and wheels were apparently included in the "no nonsense" mandate. Whenever heavily treaded tires of this size are attached to a cart with real lugs and nuts as these are on the Bosch TS2000, you can be certain the manufacturer is serious about this being a mobile piece of equipment and that it remains mobile for many years.
Mounting the Saw
The Bosch TS2000 came with our Bosch 4000 worksite table saw but also fits saws from several other manufacturers. The mounting plate has hole patterns for the Bosch 4000, DeWalt DW744, Craftsman 21830 and the Makita 2703. There may be others that can be adapted safely to the Bosch TS2000 that we are unaware of.
A single, easy-to-use lever controls the legs and wheels.
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Most worksite saws attach to the Bosch TS2000 with four supplied bolts, nuts and washers. Setting our Bosch 4000 onto the Bosch TS2000 and bolting it down was simple and fast, accomplished in just a few minutes.
In the Shop
The real genius of the Bosch TS2000 becomes evident the first time it is used. Lowering it (with the saw attached) into the horizontal use position or raising it into the vertical stowed configuration is remarkably easy in both function and the amount of force required.
(Top) In the upright, or stowed position, a tiny amount of floor space is used to store the stand and saw.
(Middle) Opening the stand for use takes seconds and virtually no effort.
(Bottom) Laying the stand flat and strapping it down makes transporting the unit, with the saw on it, safe and easy.
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Located just below the cart's handle, a single lever releases the wheel arms for extension or retraction. The action of this lever is easy, positive and virtually eliminates the chances of the stand releasing unexpectedly.
The brilliant use of leverage, balance and pivot points makes lowering or raising the saw nearly effortless. Though ease of operation is a consideration, more important is the total control the lack of needed force affords the operator. A good worksite table saw is not a cheap item and one we do not want to drop.
For many woodworkers, already limited shop space must be shared with other machines and the projects themselves. A table saw on a mobile base has been the only alternative for space-challenged woodworkers, but the Bosch TS2000 takes this concept a very large step further.
In the stowed position, with the Bosch 4000 worksite saw on board, the Bosch TS2000 needs a space of only 28 ½"-wide by 30"-deep and 45"-tall. When opened for use, the table surface of the Bosch 4000 worksite saw is at a very comfortable 38" above the ground. Factor in the ease with which the unit can be moved to where it will be used and the few seconds it takes to go from stowed to use configuration and the Bosch TS2000 becomes a very attractive alternative to other mobile saw designs.
The Bosch TS2000 can also be laid flat in the stowed configuration for transport in a vehicle. Strap the unit down securely to prevent unwanted movement so your saw and stand arrive undamaged, ready for work.
Moving the Bosch TS2000 with the saw mounted is all but effortless. The wheel spacing appears to be more than adequate to make the unit very stable while moving. The large tires make negotiating grass, dirt or uneven terrain easy with full control.
While the Bosch TS2000 may have been designed primarily for the contractor market, it is a capable alternative to traditional stationary saws on mobile bases for small or temporary (often both) workshops. Being able to quickly set the table saw up wherever needed is a big plus in shop spaces that have to be returned to other duties at the end of the day.
The superior materials and construction of the Bosch TS2000 make it a worthy companion to high-quality worksite table saws such as the Bosch 4000. The diminutive storage mode footprint and remarkable ease of operation could make the TS2000/Bosch 4000 combination the answer to your table saw needs.
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