The first annual Top Ten Tools were ranked by a combination of average daily traffic and the number of positive viewer comments received. A few negative comments were received but their numbers are infinitesimal compared to those with a positive tone. To be fair, one positive comment was thrown out for each legitimate negative comment received. I did take the liberty of discarding the more hysterical negative messages, particularly those alleging conspiracies and similar wild theories.
I sincerely appreciate all of the manufacturers who have participated in the Tool Reviews.
#1 - Woodpecker's Inc. Precision Router Lift
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Finding the PRL at the top of the 2005 popularity list was not a big surprise. Even before reviewing it, the Woodpeckers PRL was frequently the subject of questions and review requests. Since the review was posted, the Woodpeckers PRL continues to draw lots of email from very satisfied users, many of whom found it to be even more beneficial to their shop after getting it than they anticipated.
See the full review of the Woodpeckers Precision Router Lift
#2 – INCRA LS Positioning Super System
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Before using the Incra LS Positioner in the shop, I was a little concerned about how complicated it would be to use. Also, the price point, though very reasonable for what you get, was above what woodworkers consider cheap. After using the Incra LS Positioner I found it was not complicated to use at all, did what it was supposed to do and maintained a high level of accuracy. The flood of emails from viewers clearly showed they agreed and appreciated the value for the money spent.
See the full review of the Incra LS Positioner Super System.
#3 - Bosch "Impactor" (#23614), 14.4V Impact Driver
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I have to admit having major reservations about the usefulness of an impact driver in the woodworking shop. A steady stream of emails requesting this review convinced me to go ahead. My experience with Bosch products made that decision easier. In the shop, the Bosch Impactor proved to be very useful and handled many installation and large fastener driving tasks far easier than a strong drill driver. The email and traffic since posting this review suggest this is a very popular tool in the woodworking world.
See the full review of the Bosch Impactor.
#4 - Delta Professional 6" Jointer (37-195)
Though requests for jointer reviews have always been common, the disproportionate number specifying the Delta #37-195 Professional model made choosing it a no brainer. Once again, the viewers proved to be right on the money. The email after posting this review continues to be heavy and positive. The size, capacity and price all appear to fit a wider range of woodworkers than I anticipated.
As suggested by many current owners, I added the Delta mobile base and am very happy I did.
See the full review of the Delta Professional 6" Jointer.
#5 - Delta 1 ½ H.P. Dust Collector #50-760
As soon as Delta announced the release of the #50-760 dust collector, viewers began asking for a review of it. The physical size, flow capacity and 1-micron filtering all fit the increasing awareness of the importance of dust control to woodworkers. Because all of my evaluations are done in a real home-based woodworking shop, the information has proven to be perfect for a large number of readers who have purchased the 50-760 dust collector and have found it to be more than capable for their needs. Aside from the power, many current users were very impressed with the filtering and how the amount of dust in their shop has been reduced. A price drop since the review was posted hasn't hurt anything either!
See the full review of the Delta #50-760 dust collector.
#6 – INCRA 1000SE Miter Guide
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INCRA's strong reputation with woodworkers combined with their recognition of the usefulness of an aftermarket miter guide made the 1000SE a natural for my Tool Reviews and a bunch of viewers shops. The extreme built-in accuracy combined with a large, extendable fence and a unique guide bar adjusting system that fits a huge range of saws has made the 1000SE a favorite in the woodworking community.
See the full review of the INCRA 1000SE.
#7 – Kreg K3 Pocket Hole Master System
Pocket hole joinery has always been a popular subject but when Kreg released the new K3 version, the floodgates opened in terms of focused traffic and email. Though all of the improvements were well received, it appears most appreciate the increased productivity the new K3 Master System brings. Nearly as popular is the smaller, less expensive kit (in the same review) that can be expanded later.
See the full review of the Kreg K3 Pocket Hole Master System.
#8 – DeWalt DW735 Thickness Planer
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Any doubts that DeWalt was gaining momentum in the home (and contractor) woodworking world was put to rest when I reviewed their DW735 planer. The email drawn by this review shows users like the capacity, accuracy and user-friendly operating features of the DW735. Between the triple knife cutter head, easily replaced knives and a built-in chip ejector fan, the DeWalt DW735 has met the wants and needs of a large number of visitors.
See the full review of the DeWalt DW735.
#9 – Oneway Talon Lathe Chuck
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Though woodturning makes up a smaller portion of, the response to the Oneway Talon Chuck review rivaled any other machine. Woodturning can be expensive but turners are not bashful about wanting the best they can get when shopping for the device that secures large pieces of spinning wood in front of them. The Oneway Talon impressed me during the initial review and continues to do so today. Judging by the traffic and email this review continues to draw, viewers feel the same way.
See the full review of the Oneway Talon Lathe Chuck.
#10 – Delta #36-682 Industrial Contractor Saw
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From the first day this review was posted in January, it has elicited a steady stream of emails and remarkable daily traffic. The combination of the saws’ capabilities, the Biesemeyer commercial fence and price apparently hit a sweet spot with a large number of woodworkers. A surprising number of new woodworkers have made the #36-682 Delta their first table saw and have found it more than capable as their skills and project list have grown.
See the full review of the Delta #36-682 Industrial Contractor Saw.
Honorable Mention
The Bosch 4000-09 and the Beall Wood Buff technically did not make the cut for the 2005 Top Ten list. The Bosch was presented before the beginning of 2005 and the Beall Wood Buff just a week before this list was compiled. The response from viewers and the traffic number they generate deserve recognition.
Bosch 4000-09 Worksite Table Saw with the Gravity Rise Stand
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Though it was added to before 2005, the Bosch 4000 continues to draw significant email and traffic numbers. It appears this combination of saw and stand fit the needs of a growing number of woodworkers who simply do not have the room for conventional machinery, often working out of apartments, townhouses or small homes. Whatever their situation, the Bosch 4000 and the ingenious Gravity Rise stand remain exceptionally popular to this day.
See the full review of the Bosch 4000-09 Worksite Table Saw
Beall Wood Buff
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Requests for this review had not been overwhelming but they were consistent. After trying the Beall Wood Buff myself the first time, I knew we had something good here. When the review was posted just a few weeks ago, the viewers responded in a big way. Traffic and email have been significantly above the norm for Tool Reviews.
It appears many of our viewers wondered about the effectiveness of this buffing system as well as its usefulness in their shop. Oddly, many thought it was used primarily for woodturning projects, which is not the case at all. I also have heard from a considerable number of users of the Beall Wood Buff, who like me, have found this system to be a huge benefit to the finishing of many projects.
See the full review of the Beall Wood Buff.