| How-To Stories | General Basics | Joinery | Band Saw | Grinding Sharpening | Jointer | Router | Table Saw |
Video Tutor Series |
Newest story -Candy Dish Projcect
How-To Basics
Building the NewWoodworker.com Mobile Clamp Rack
Choosing Table Saw (and Miter) Blades
General Basics Articles
Building a Basic Box
A core skill with lifelong implications
Building a Table Saw
Get it right now when it is way easier!
Clamping Pressure
OK! You're strong. Now get smart and lighten up on the clamps!
Finger Eye View
Its just as dumb as some of the other "never happen" stories out there....
I do VERY dumb stuff so you can see it happen!
Minimizing Chipping and Tearout
Less frustration leads to improved appearance
Mystery Markings on Tape Measures
No, it's not a plan to confuse us - maybe
What it is and what it ain' t
Reading Grain
Proper feed direction is important
Refurbishing Cast Iron Tables
Combating the results of everyday use
Repairing Threads
From our sister site, www.newmetalworker.com
Using a Grinder
What you don't know - or don't care about - can hurt you!
(On our sister site - www.newmetalworker.com)
Squaring Stock
Straight wood make woodworking more fun.
Bridle Joints
It's easier to be stylish than you think
Butt & Rabbet Joints
A simple joint that's not so simple to make right
Cutting Stopped Dados
It really is easier than you think
Half-Lap Joints
Very Simple, Very Tough
How To Cut Dados
There is more than one right way
Haunched Tenons
It really isn't magic
Joint Preparation
Great joints are not an accident
Tongue & Groove Joints
A versatile, easy-to-make old friend
Resawing Basics
A little patience and practice yield great results!
Water + Stone Grinding Wheel + Freezing Temperatures
A lone, non-hysterical email got me thinking...
"Winterizing" Wet Grinding Stone Wheels
The antifreeze mystery is less mysterious
Jointer Basics
Setup - Alignment - Use
My Jointer Cuts Tapers
Sure it does, but it's not busted
Jointer Problems, Causes & Fixes
Straightening the frustrations of a "simple" machine!
Should I Buy a Jointer or Planer First?
Yes, there is an answer!
Centering Router Guide Bushings
Bringing accuracy to your soon to be less frustrating shop!
Using a Router Table Starting Pin
Simple safety
Table Saw
One Cut Miter Gauge Test
A fast way to square your miter gauge
5 Cut Table Saw Sled Fence Test
Easy but Very Accurate!
Installing a Zero-Clearance Insert
It's easy to do it right - and safe!
Using Gauge Blocks
Safety and repeatable accuracy
Setting Up Factory Blade Guard Systems
No, they aren't automatically useless!
Table Saw Basics - Part 1 - Alignment & Setup
Setting your saw up correctly and then keeping it aligned makes it safer and more accurate
Table Saw Basics - Part 2 - Safety & Use
Learning to use your saw safely is easy. Remembering to use those lessons 15 years down the road is the problem...
Where to Stand at the Table Saw
Are you avoiding the wood or using the blade guard?
Video Tutor Series
Building an Office Shelf/Storage Unit
The basics are critical for lots of projects
Candy Dish
Simple, inexpensive to turn but a very nice gift
Mini Lathe Cart Project
Build it as fancy as you like
Panel-Cutting Sled
Easy-building project for safety and accuracy
Sacrificial Fence Project
An easy project to extend your table saw’s usefulness
Squaring a Miter Gauge Correctly
There are two common methods but only one is truly correct
Yarn Bowl Project
A simple but useful project for the mini lathe
Video Tutor Announcement